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old barn nursery "7 pod brain strain"

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Trinidad Scorpion Red



Trinidad scorpion from forum








Trinidad scorpion from Trinidad





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My photos are of 2008/2009

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are you sure?




Chris is the maker of this strain



You have been calling it a 7 Pod, I have been saying its a Trinidad Scorpion...yet in this picture that you say IS a Morouga..it says Trinidad Scorpion. I'm confused?

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I guess we can call them whatever we want, many people "make up names" as we both know. Where my confusion lies is why you kept referring to a Morouga as a 7 Pod yet every post you just made refers to it as Trinidad Scorpion which is what I have been saying all along.


And we can argue over "brainstrain" all day long, but my seed came directly from Cappy's plant. What I and most consider a brainstrain is what Cappy has.

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I and others grow these super-hot before your pictures and these videos ...

I repeat, given the names you want


So because you grew them before the pics/vids makes you right and the rest of the world wrong?

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You have been calling it a 7 Pod, I have been saying its a Trinidad Scorpion...yet in this picture that you say IS a Morouga..it says Trinidad Scorpion. I'm confused?


look message 47




"that is why I use the term morouga ... because the first morouga by Chris have this particular roughness (brain type) .... Thepepperridgefarm told me that have the copyright on term "brain strain" (he said it really, did not believe it) and then i use the term morouga since it was first used in 2007"


I would have used "brain strain" ... but I was not allowed

I do not know to what extent legally, but I preferred to avoid arguments and call morouga for reasons I have already explained



although I see that others are selling and then maybe he did not have the copyright ... What do you think? :blink:


I guess we can call them whatever we want, many people "make up names" as we both know. Where my confusion lies is why you kept referring to a Morouga as a 7 Pod yet every post you just made refers to it as Trinidad Scorpion which is what I have been saying all along.


And we can argue over "brainstrain" all day long, but my seed came directly from Cappy's plant. What I and most consider a brainstrain is what Cappy has.



I have grown morouga blend, that has the shape of the brain, first of Cappy


Lonewolf too


message 427 - morouga blend




and so many others




So because you grew them before the pics/vids makes you right and the rest of the world wrong?


the rest of the world does not think like you ... your 7 pod brain strain is not brain strain ... Your Trinidad scorpion morouga is not the same as Chris


different point of view



For me what is important is the first who discovered and documented the variety


and for me it is and remains the morouga blend 2007


Then you can call it burgundy, barrakpore, brain strain or as you wish 2008 --->


e se usi una mia foto mi fa piacere che metti anche il nome dell'autore o almeno il forum :lol:

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look message 47




"that is why I use the term morouga ... because the first morouga by Chris have this particular roughness (brain type) .... Thepepperridgefarm told me that have the copyright on term "brain strain" (he said it really, did not believe it) and then i use the term morouga since it was first used in 2007"







I have grown morouga blend, that has the shape of the brain, first of Cappy


Lonewolf too


message 427 - morouga blend




and so many others






the rest of the world does not think like you ... your 7 pod brain strain is not brain strain ... Your Trinidad scorpion morouga is not the same as Chris


different point of view



For me what is important is the first who discovered and documented the variety


and for me it is and remains the morouga blend 2007


Then you can call it burgundy, barrakpore, brain strain or as you wish 2008 --->


e se usi una mia foto mi fa piacere che metti anche il nome dell'autore o almeno il forum :blink:





just because we are in italy doesn't means that we are behind.. :lol:

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look message 47




"that is why I use the term morouga ... because the first morouga by Chris have this particular roughness (brain type) .... Thepepperridgefarm told me that have the copyright on term "brain strain" (he said it really, did not believe it) and then i use the term morouga since it was first used in 2007"







I have grown morouga blend, that has the shape of the brain, first of Cappy


Lonewolf too


message 427 - morouga blend




and so many others






the rest of the world does not think like you ... your 7 pod brain strain is not brain strain ... Your Trinidad scorpion morouga is not the same as Chris


different point of view



For me what is important is the first who discovered and documented the variety


and for me it is and remains the morouga blend 2007


Then you can call it burgundy, barrakpore, brain strain or as you wish 2008 --->


e se usi una mia foto mi fa piacere che metti anche il nome dell'autore o almeno il forum :blink:


Guess we can agree to disagree but every forum and every person that I know, including many major players that I am sure you know as well as all the major forums and blogs, consider cappy's brainstrain THE brainstrain and a Trinidad Scorpion Morouga exactly what I am calling it.

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I received seeds of "Trinidad Scorpion Morouga blend" from Chris during the winter 2007-2008;

the shape of those pods (grown in 2008) is visible here




I received seeds of 7Pod by Allen Boatman in 2007.

The shape is visible here and matches what is now known as "Jonah"




These are the original photos sent me by Allen; I think almost nobody but Allen had seen this variety before.












There is no doubt that the 7Pod Jonah or the original pod from A.Boatman are very different from the Morouga from Chris.

So one of the two varieties cannot be a 7Pod, otherwise we will have a variety with two very different shape ... and very different smell too, the 7Pod one is much more strong and doesn't have any citrus-like flavor.


This should validate the hypothesis that the Morouga from Chris is a kind of Scorpion; quite different shape, but same smell and a tail.


However, looking at pictures in CARDI datasheet for 7Pod we can see that the "true" 7Pod (if one exists) is very similar to what we call Morouga blend.




I think the Morouga blend is the true 7Pod and the 7Pod from Boatman (or Jonah) is indeed an hybrid between an habanero and a Trinidadian super-hot (Scorpion or 7Pod).


This is my opinion, the same that I support since 2007-2008.


Of course after few years since the discovery of the super-hot peppers there are a lot of hybrids around and a lot of names too ... but the name and photos I used came from 2006-2007, at the beginning of all our knowledge about these varieties.


I've also many doubts that all those pods with completely smooth exocarp are true super-hot.

In my experience I never found a super-hot without wrinkled surface, at least partially; I think there is a relationship between the placental tissue widespread in all the internal surface and the roughness of the external surface.

Pods without extended placental tissue inside cannot be superhot.

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Guess we can agree to disagree but every forum and every person that I know, including many major players that I am sure you know as well as all the major forums and blogs, consider cappy's brainstrain THE brainstrain and a Trinidad Scorpion Morouga exactly what I am calling it.



As I have written i have cultivated the same brain strain of Cappy the year before

and called morouga blend


different point of view :blink:


no ... your peppers are not brain strain e not T.S. morouga ....


Brain strain has the form of a brain, as I already said


and TSmorouga blend of Chris, the makers of this strain, is totally different ... much more rough ... yours is smooth

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bloody lovely one have you got seed of them... i have i nice one but not like your ones


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I received seeds of "Trinidad Scorpion Morouga blend" from Chris during the winter 2007-2008;

the shape of those pods (grown in 2008) is visible here




I received seeds of 7Pod by Allen Boatman in 2007.

The shape is visible here and matches what is now known as "Jonah"




These are the original photos sent me by Allen; I think almost nobody but Allen had seen this variety before.












There is no doubt that the 7Pod Jonah or the original pod from A.Boatman are very different from the Morouga from Chris.

So one of the two varieties cannot be a 7Pod, otherwise we will have a variety with two very different shape ... and very different smell too, the 7Pod one is much more strong and doesn't have any citrus-like flavor.


This should validate the hypothesis that the Morouga from Chris is a kind of Scorpion; quite different shape, but same smell and a tail.


However, looking at pictures in CARDI datasheet for 7Pod we can see that the "true" 7Pod (if one exists) is very similar to what we call Morouga blend.




I think the Morouga blend is the true 7Pod and the 7Pod from Boatman (or Jonah) is indeed an hybrid between an habanero and a Trinidadian super-hot (Scorpion or 7Pod).


This is my opinion, the same that I support since 2007-2008.


Of course after few years since the discovery of the super-hot peppers there are a lot of hybrids around and a lot of names too ... but the name and photos I used came from 2006-2007, at the beginning of all our knowledge about these varieties.


I've also many doubts that all those pods with completely smooth exocarp are true super-hot.

In my experience I never found a super-hot without wrinkled surface, at least partially; I think there is a relationship between the placental tissue widespread in all the internal surface and the roughness of the external surface.

Pods without extended placental tissue inside cannot be superhot.


Ottima considerazioni, bravissimo Claudio :lol:


(ho dovuto usare google translator :blink:)


Io penso che il vero 7 pod sia quello della foto cardi


o meglio quelli della foto Cardi


e cioè quelli in alto i morouga blend che io chiamo 7 pod morouga (concordiamo che siano 7 pod)

e quelli sotto che sono più grossi (come quelli che mi ha mandato Sarah)


due diverse varianti


il Jonha è diverso e, come il douglah, ha un mesocarpo molto sottile ... sicuramente di più del 7 pod classico


Quale viene prima e quale dopo? non so

ma stando alla fonte ufficiale (CARDI) penso i primi due che ho elencato


quindi esistono solo 3 varianti di 7 pod (mia personalissima opinione)


7 pod

7 pod morouga

7 pod jonha


Sui Trinidad scorpion occorrerebbe fare molte ulteriori precisazioni


il CARDI descrive una varietà non presente nelle nostre coltivazioni .... ma io preferisco le nostre che sono chiaramente scorpionizzate

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il CARDI descrive una varietà non presente nelle nostre coltivazioni


Come no?! Scorpion K :blink:


Quest'anno ho coltivato il 7Pod Jonah e l'ho anche visto al campo catalogo di Tarquinia; nessuna differenza rilevante con il 7Pod classico, forse solo un po' piu' "rotondo"; piccantezza e aroma sono identici.

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In effetti non ricordo la tua versione originale


ma quelle viste nelle varie coltivazioni hanno una forma diversa


hai qualche foto della versione originale?


Io ho conservato i semi della pianta che li faceva simili ma non li ho seminati più :whistling:





Tornando al 7 pod anche io non ho notato grosse differenze ... solo il differente spessore del mesocarpo tra le prime due ed il Jonha


Aggiungo un altra considerazione ... una mia intuizione e quindi da intendere come pensiero a voce alta


due sono le principali landrace di Trinidad (non super hot)


e cioè il Trinidad congo, che ha la classica forma di habanero

ed il Trinidad morouga che ha la forma schiacciata e bombata


Noi pensiamo che i super-hot a Trinidad provengono dall'india


provate ad immaginare questi incroci


Bhut jolokia x Trinidad congo .... esce fuori il il 7 pod classico (quello di Sarah)

Bih jolokia assam x Trinidad congo ... esce fuori il 7 pod jonha (il colore verde chiaro da immaturo :blink:)

naga morich x Trinidad morouga ... esce fuori il 7 pod morouga :lol:


A parte gli scherzi il meccanismo è proprio questo: super hot indiano per una delle due landrace di Trinidad ed ecco che i conti tornano :whistling:

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In effetti non ricordo la tua versione originale


ma quelle viste nelle varie coltivazioni hanno una forma diversa


hai qualche foto della versione originale?


Io ho conservato i semi della pianta che li faceva simili ma non li ho seminati più :(





Tornando al 7 pod anche io non ho notato grosse differenze ... solo il differente spessore del mesocarpo tra le prime due ed il Jonha


Aggiungo un altra considerazione ... una mia intuizione e quindi da intendere come pensiero a voce alta


due sono le principali landrace di Trinidad (non super hot)


e cioè il Trinidad congo, che ha la classica forma di habanero

ed il Trinidad morouga che ha la forma schiacciata e bombata


Noi pensiamo che i super-hot a Trinidad provengono dall'india


provate ad immaginare questi incroci


Bhut jolokia x Trinidad congo .... esce fuori il il 7 pod classico (quello di Sarah)

Bih jolokia assam x Trinidad congo ... esce fuori il 7 pod jonha (il colore verde chiaro da immaturo :blink:)

naga morich x Trinidad morouga ... esce fuori il 7 pod morouga :lol:


A parte gli scherzi il meccanismo è proprio questo: super hot indiano per una delle due landrace di Trinidad ed ecco che i conti tornano :whistling:


Sono a dir poco affascinato :blink: questa discussione mi sta appassionando più di ogni altro scritto da me letto :whistling:

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Quindi ricapitolando, dal punto di vista organolettico abbiamo che:


Il 7pod Jonah (o Boatman) ha un forte odore e sapore da habanero.

Il Trinidad Scorpion ed il moruga di Chris sono agrumati.



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no :blink:


tutti e tre sono super piccanti ed hanno un odore/sapore agrumato (anche se io sul punto preferisco non dare indicazioni definitive)


il concetto di sapore ed odore è molto vago e soggettivo


posso dire che i frutti nati dai semi di Sara (direttamente da Trinidad) sono leggermente amarostici

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Il 7pod Jonah (o Boatman) ha un forte odore e sapore da habanero.

Il Trinidad Scorpion ed il moruga di Chris sono agrumati.



no :thumbsup:


Si, per quanto riguarda l'odore ...

Il 7Pod "classico" (Boatman) ha un odore molto diverso dal classico agrumato di Scorpion e Morouga blend (e Naga in generale), molto piu' potente, quasi nauseante.

Non lo dico io, ho un odorato molto scarso, ma il mio "naso" Stefania.

In ogni modo la differenza di odore la percepisco nettamente anch'io ... dopo averne tagliati un paio di kg per l'essicazione B).


Concordo sul gusto amaro di molti dei frutti da semi di Sara (in buona parte non classificabili con precisione, a Trinidad l'ibridazione regna sovrana)

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Chiacchierando con Mistah mi è venuto il dubbio

a parte che come dicevo prima l'odore è molto soggettivo


ma il 7 pod jonha non mi sembra nauseante


mi sorge il dubbio che forse davvero abbiamo varietà diverse

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Stefania ha appena definito l'odore del 7Pod classico come "Fatalii ... triplicato"

Il Jonah mi e' sembrato uguale, ma (date le mie carenze) non ci posso giurare e Stefania non ricorda se ha annusato anche quello.

Come ulteriore riferimento, l'odore del 7Pod classico e' molto simile a quello del T.douglah

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bon ... io ho gusti bizzarri ... adoro il fatalii


quindi non sono un buon punto di riferimento :thumbsup:


p.s. ma per te quello di Boatman ed il Jonha non sono la stessa cosa? o ho capito male?


"I think the Morouga blend is the true 7Pod and the 7Pod from Boatman (or Jonah) is indeed an hybrid between an habanero and a Trinidadian super-hot (Scorpion or 7Pod)."


Io non ho coltivato quello di Boatman e quindi non posso esprimermi

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I do have seeds of a F4 or F5 Trinidad Scorpion ButchT x 7 Pod Douglah. Its starting to get spread around to a lot of people. Hottest pepper I have eaten to date. Im going to try growing next season..F5 or F6. This seems to be stabalizing. I have heard several rumors of where this started but quite honestly I don't even know. I heard one of you may have actually started?


I also had the pleasure of seeing a pod from a Bhut Jolokia x Trinidad Scorpion Red. Very cool looking pod. Bhut shape, thin walled, a bit longer than a bhut, with a very nice thin long tail. No idea what generation or if will stablize. I have seeds being sent to me. Going to isolate and grow this spring and see what I get.

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bloody lovely one have you got seed of them... i have i nice one but not like your ones


... and i have the yellow version







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A completamento del discorso fatto in precedenza ecco la differenza nello spessore del mesocarpo tra il 7 pod Jonah ed il 7 pod classico


7 pod jonah ... mesocarpo molto sottile (naga type)




7 pod ... mesocarpo spesso (habanero type)








p.s. ho risentito l'odore .... a me sembra delizioso ;)


scherzi a parte non noto differenze di sorta (ma ripeto è molto soggettivo)

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A completamento del discorso fatto in precedenza ecco la differenza nello spessore del mesocarpo tra il 7 pod Jonah ed il 7 pod classico


7 pod jonah ... mesocarpo molto sottile (naga type)




7 pod ... mesocarpo spesso (habanero type)








p.s. ho risentito l'odore .... a me sembra delizioso ;)


scherzi a parte non noto differenze di sorta (ma ripeto è molto soggettivo)

che scuola, pepperfriends..

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