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Da qualche anno coltivo con piena soddisfazione una varieta' nota come "tabasco giallo" (da cui ricavo una delle polveri migliori).

Nonostante il nome e' sicuramente un C.annuum e non ha niente a che vedere con il Tabasco.


Diversi oltre alla specie anche la forma (corto appuntito invece che allungato e tronco), il colore (giallo/arancio anziche' rosso), la consistenza (coriaceo invece che polposo), il portamento (pendulo e non eretto), il comportamento a maturazione (il vero tabasco si stacca senza picciolo, per il t.giallo e' necessaria una forbice!), la struttura della pianta (bassa e contenuta invece che alta e ampia) ...

insomma non ci potrebbero essere due varieta' piu' diverse!


Nel nome oltre alla parola Tabasco e' imprecisa anche la parola "giallo" perche' in realta' e' piu' arancione che giallo.


Ora mi ha preso la curiosita' (e non solo a me) di sapere che varieta' e' realmente ...

Sarei anche curioso di sapere chi gli ha assegnato il nome :D


Purtroppo non ho alcuna foto decente della pianta o dei frutti, ma forse qualcun altro puo' sopperire a questa mancanza ...

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Io l'ho coltivata con successo, la polvere è di un bel colore e moderatamente piccante.

Allego due foto dei frutti secchi e freschi.



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This is the Tabasco I grew

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Thanks John

Excuse me for posting in Italian language only ...


Here we wonder why the pods you see in chuck's photoes are called "yellow tabasco", while is evident they aren't c.frutescens, but instead a nice C.annuum.

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I don't know :D


It seems there is some confusion about this variety.


According TheChileman's database it's a C.frutescens

http://www.thechileman.org/results.php?fin...Any&chile=1 (bottom of page)

but the same photo of a single pod on Jukka website is called C.annuum



This single pod's photo however isn't so similar to Chuck's photo and to my plant's pods (no photo, sorry) while other photoes from the same site are instead quite similar.


This source also show photoes like pods I grown and assign to C.annuum



I'm sure my plants too were C.annuum.


So my question is: why to call Tabasco a plant which probably isn't a C.frutescens and has no relationship with true Tabasco?

Can we in the same way call Naga or Habanero any C.annuum, only because it's a bit similar in shape to a C.chinense?


However one of my question has already an answer; the name wasn't assigned by the one who gave me the seeds, but is widely known ... (even if clearly not proper, unless we intend Tabasco as "from Tabasco region" (Mexico) in which case the name could be correct)

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also at Stuard there is a c. annuum called "tabasco 1"

i think is quite confusing


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There is no confusion about true Tabasco (capsicum frutescens, tall plant with elongated erect red pulpy fruit which can be harvested easily without petiole).


Confusion is about "tabasco giallo" or "tabasco short yellow" which according some source is a C.frutescens, but seems instead a C.annuum with properties totally different from Tabasco ... hence my questions about the origin of ther name.

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Last year I grew both Tabasco and Tabasco Short Yellow.

The differces are quite evident: Tabasco is erect and fruits are on a long stems, while the short yellow is

shorter and more bushy....I agree with nagalone, tabasco short yellow seems to be an annuum variety, but why it is named "Tabasco"?

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I would guess someone made up the name. It happens all the time and adds lots of confusion. It can be because someone has a pepper they can't identify so they make up a name. Seed companies make up names to distinguish their peppers from others or to make them sound more interesting. etc. etc.

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I agree with John, when someone named a chile pepper it of stays with that name even though it might be "wrong". Just take the example of Capsicum chinense, Chinense meaning from China is also a misnomer as this species originated in the Amazon Basin. The Seed companies also makes everything more comlpicated, I belive Lemon Drop is called Hot Lemon by the seeds companies, another example is Starfish which some seed companies call Mini bonnet etc



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Last year I grew both Tabasco and Tabasco Short Yellow.

The differces are quite evident: Tabasco is erect and fruits are on a long stems, while the short yellow is

shorter and more bushy....I agree with nagalone, tabasco short yellow seems to be an annuum variety, but why it is named "Tabasco"?



...I think because yellow fruits have tobasco-like flavour, who is not in growing plants, know nothing about frutescens, annuum and so :

...smells like tobasco, is small, is yellow ... the pepper is named!


and after, all said by john and patrik i think is right...

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Sorry for opening this old thred, does anyone have pictures of the flowers of Tabasco Short Yellow. Some friends and most pages says it is a C. frutescens. Is there several Tabasco Short yellow out there?


I myself have never grown this one, but as we here in Stockholm next year will have a big pepper exhibition at the Botanical Garden of Stockholm it would be great to know?


Any help or pictures would be highly appreciated





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this is my shot tabasco



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does anyone have pictures of the flowers of Tabasco Short Yellow. Some friends and most pages says it is a C. frutescens.


I don't have photoes of flowers and no plant these year, but I grew it for some years ...

It isn't a C.frutescens, but a nice C.Annuum ... no link with "true" Tabasco

(the reason for open this topic was just this: Why call it "tabasco" ?)

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I don't have photoes of flowers and no plant these year, but I grew it for some years ...

It isn't a C.frutescens, but a nice C.Annuum ... no link with "true" Tabasco

(the reason for open this topic was just this: Why call it "tabasco" ?)

This is the only plant I've wintered and now it is blooming.


It is also called "Tabasco" probably because of the color of leaves that is very similar to the "true" Tabasco.


I include here below a couple of photos of the flower and a sectioned fruit.




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Thanks to all for making it clear :D

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