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Chocolate Bhut Jolokia

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This is an interesting pepper. It has a very nice aroma and taste, but is also painfully hot. I compared it with some other chinense.









Chocolate Bhut Jolokia, Bhut Jolokia, Habanero and Vinagrito


My first matured Chocolate Bhut Jolokia and Bhut Jolokia pods were small. The pods that now are maturing are looking much better. Anyway I tasted the first ripe pods of the Jolokias together with Habanero and the similar Vinagrito. I only to a very small pice of the pods.


The Chocolate Bhut Jolokia: Very nice and strong smell, at first also a very nice aroma, but quite soon I realized its going to hurt 397580913_QRjcs-Ti.gif The second taste made me cough.


Bhut Jolokia: Not that strong smell as the Chocolate Bhut Jolokia, otherwise the same experience when tasting it, first nice aroma and taste then extremely hot!


Habanero: also very very hot.


Vinagrito: definitely milder than the others, but still hot.


Conclusion:Its hard to tell which pepper is hotter than the other - they all gave me pain, maybe the reaction of sweating, coughing and a runny nose was an indication that the Jolokias are hotter then the Habanero :rolleyes:


I had a small cold, I feel better now :lol:

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oh well!but in taste/aroma bhut chocolate is like bhut regular or like haba/vinagrito? ...and same answer about trinidadian races: your trinidad scorpions (regular or coulored) smell like 7 pod (a kind of haba aroma) or like naga family (lightly citrusy, as naga/bih/bhut) ?

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I would say that the two Bhuts have similar aroma. But I have to try more Bhuts to be sure. I have to come back with the scorpions/7pods, all I remember from last year is that Bih Jolokia had a stronger taste/aroma than Trinidad Scorpion.Buy the way, the beans are doing fine;) Thanks!

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:flowers: but what beans have you sowed ?

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Dont have them all in my mind, but two tall yellow, one black and white, borlotto tall and short, and some swedish ones;)

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